As a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner & Consultant, I am constantly on the lookout for organizations, institutions and products that can benefit a person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (Rest assured, I personally "audition" products and services before I will recommend them to a client. What you find here are legitimate sources for holistic health care that I have experienced first-hand, myself.) The links that you find on this page all point to companies, products and services that I personally endorse. If you have a question about any of them, or if any of the links below do not work, please feel free to e-mail me.
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Life Extension Foundation - One of the top research and development organizations devoted to health, wellness, and longevity. I read the Life Extension Foundation's monthly magazine from cover to cover and have even used it in my own research for doctoral level work. Their supplements, while sometimes on the expensive side, are of the highest quality and I continue to order and use them with regularity. I very highly recommend this company and its products.
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DrNatura's Colonix & Toxinout - Two easy-to-use, all-natural, premium-grade programs that give you a full-body, all systems cleanse. I have completed these programs myself and frequently recommend one or both of them to clients. They work so well, in fact, that I give the two-part cleanse to myself once a year as a birthday present! Visit the website to learn more. Then get the programs and try them. You'll be very pleasantly surprised!
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Spiritual Cinema Circle - An amazing organization created to help bring people together with movies (short, independent films, documentaries, and full-length features) that inspire, entertain and uplift the human spirit. As a member of the SCC, you'll receive a DVD each month that you get to keep and add to your collection. Click below to explore the SCC and start seeing some of the best movies most people have never seen!
* * * Puritan's Pride - A vitamin/herb/spice/aromatherapy supplement superstore. They offer some of the best deals around and they manufacture their products according to the highest standards and current Good Manufacturing Practices set by the FDA. I cannot recommend this company and its products highly enough. Click the banner below to explore their fantastic website.
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Mastering EFT Products - Provided through Pace Educational Systems, Inc., here you will find authoritative EFT self-help materials which include the EFT courses, computer software, and books & DVDs by EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington. You can also apply for EFT's general and advanced certificate programs!
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The Wholefood Farmacy - A company devoted to healing the world by manufacturing only pure, raw, organic wholefood products from snacks to drinks to bath salts to toothpaste! If you are looking for complete nutrition, increased energy, easy weight control, mental clarity, decreased appetite and cravings, and organically healthy body care, click below.
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Naropa University - This is where I studied and received my Masters in Transpersonal Psychology. They have fantastic residential and distance-learning programs and a remarkable faculty and staff. Naropa University (a fully accredited institution of higher learning) offers contemplative education, urging students to develop their hearts as well as their minds and to extend both in compassion toward the betterment of the world.